Monday, 12 March 2012

people change..

people change.. like seas0ns?? 
or when they g0t hurt
maybe when they`ve g0t a new one?? 
i d0nt know
i d0nt wanna know then,,
i dont want to mention that name
just wanna sayin`
you`re such an untrusted friend!
s0rry f0r dis harsh word, but i mean it well,, 

for your inf0:
i dont know why u`ve change s0 drastically
aku nih teman masa susah hg saja ka??
nih nak emo nih..=="
seri0usly cakap,
aku sebenaqnya tak suka 
orang pemain aku.:<
jadilah s0rang kawan yg ikhlas..
tenqiu then..
for all the happiness n all the sadness!

1 comment:

  1. oww..whos that...juz be patience lah..=D..remember there's always other friends to support...
